Monday, March 31, 2014

Ebola ,scurvy and cutaneous haemorrhages -correlation ?

One of the scourges of sailors on long sea journeys was the bleeding from their  gums, weakness and in many cases deaths. Strangely the cats on board the ships on these long journeys did not develop these symptoms. The cause was resolved by eating fresh fruit- especially lemons or line.Eventually the complete riddle was resolved and shown to be due to Vitamin C deficiency. Unlike other mammals like cats, dogs and catte man lacks the enzyme in their livers to produce Vitamin C.
One of the features of Ebola virus infections, are the presence of hemorrhage in various cutaneous and mucous membrane sites resulting in bleeding from the skin (not unlike those seen in patients suffering from vitamin C deficiency ) , as well as hemorrhages from the lung, diarrhea and melennae bleeding from the Gastro-intestinal tract ( melena)
If Vitamin C can so effectively  alleviate the symptoms of bleeding in this nutritional disease of scurvy, would it also reduce and/or iliminate somewhat similar symptoms in patients suffering from Ebolus virus infections. I certainly don't see any harm in trying.
In an earlier blog I had contacted  various hockey and football league associations,  medical associations, and other organizations   suggesting the same rationale in the use of hydergine as a preventative measure to avoid  concussions following head injuries. Still waiting to hear who has tried it.

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